Ora pro nobis [Pray for Us], sound installation with mixed media; scaffolding, wood, sheet metal, zinc, plastic, 7 x 4,5 x (h) 4.5 m. Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador, 2018.
Ora pro nobis is linked to an earlier work by Pabón: Representación de un piano [Representation of a Piano]. For its exhibit at the Rijksakademie (Amsterdam, 2014), the artist made a replica of a grand piano with materials found on the street; for its second version, this time at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santiago, Chile (2016), he used material from the museum’s deposit to make another large sound installation. Those works are tied together, the artist explains, by “interest in the appropriation and reconfiguration of existing everyday elements. Apparent repetition of given models makes it possible to structure new forms of knowledge and meaning.” Inspired by the words that crown the chapel of the Casa del Coco in Cuenca’s historic section (Mater purísima-Ora pro nobis) [Mother Most Pure—Pray for Us], the artist sets out to materialize the voice, creating a sort of artificial chapel inside of which the Marian litany resonates.