Representation of a piano I
Parts of a piano, Carpets, Modified tables,Tablas chair , woods, Sculpture, performance, music, drawings and polaroid photos
Dimensions: Various.
Open Studio/ Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten,
Amsterdam, NL
Representation of a Piano, stems from the intention to construct a piano in a context of precariousness. From materials found in the nearby environment and without any relevant experience in constructing musical instruments, the artist tries to represent a piano – not by chance a perfect symbol of Western civilization – returning to its essence, its main objective, which is to make music. The limitations implied by this working method are of vital importance, as they enforce a reconsideration of a given form and logic while stimulating the emergence of alternative and potentially new appearance, trying to understand the internal structure of the piano and its history and not its mere appearance.
Representation of a piano II
Solo show at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo MAC de Santiago de Chile, sede Quinta Normal 2016
It is a project that used the materials taken from storage room of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santiago de Chile in this way it is configured various pavilions that serve as sounding boxes for the music created in “Representation of a Piano” at the Rijksakademie (Amsterdam, 2014)